On 50
I'm new at this... being 50.
I was quite an expert at those 40's and I banged out 49 like a champ. I learned a lot in the last 365 days and here's a sum up.
50 observations, tips, thoughts and general life altering experiences
1. We are all going to fail
2. drive 100 miles per hour once
3. only eat acorns in a survival situation
4. take risks
5. youtubers are amazing
6. face your fears
7. listen more than you speak
8. just taste it one time
9. ask questions
10. trust your instincts
11. travel by means that let you see small town living
12. we are all going to die
13. tomorrow comes fast, don't procrastinate
14. learn from your mistakes
15. make a jar of peanut butter so you'll never have to eat acorns
16. laugh often
17. invite a friend for coffee... or tea
18. failure creates success
20. value experience
21. give your time more than your dollar
22. wear gloves
23. tell your story
24. dream big
25. actions have consequences
26. you matter
27. be the person you dream to be
28. stand up on the paddle board, it's a game changer
29. share your knowledge
30. PLAY
31. when an opportunity arrives, take it
32. forgiveness is one sided
33. always keep your knife sharp
34. try to inspire
35. once in a while open the door for the person behind you
36. share your abundance
37. love who you love and do it with your whole heart
38. being a non-conforming human being is okay
39. be brave
40. you have a voice, use it
41. you don't have to fight to communicate
42. the world is full of people who are not like you, meet some
43. look up from your phone, unless you're #365day blogging at a Starbucks at 11:40pm.
44. think before you speak
45. see nature
46. do the research
47. eat your dandelions
48. marijuana is better than OTC
49. you are stronger than you believe
50. live life one day at a time
That's what I've got. It's been an adventure and I'm woke.
There will not be another 365 days adventure because that was serious work and commitment. 365 consecutive first time experiences, 365 consecutive blog posts, 365 consecutive photos taken (i have 13,000 photos on my phone), 365 minutes of plank position. Every day, all day this has been quite a ride.
I'm going to celebrate my birthday, the first one without my mother. I guess I'll take my own advice and use #39 and 16.
On being 50
Love & Light