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Day 355 of 365

Topping another fear The last 354 days have involved many experiences which required overcoming fear. On my 355th day I conquered the tower of the Linlithgow Palace. This was no small feat. The structure is ruined and walking through the place is an example of what happens when beauty isn’t cared for.

I'm not sure about the history behind why this amazing place is crumbling but of all the castles and palaces we've visited in the last week this one is the most explorable.


I'm guessing because there aren't gold leafed walls and crowned jewels guarded by full time staff.

There is a beautiful fountain which stands in the center of the courtyard. The water has been turned off and it's creepy as heck to look at.

The buildings are mostly crumbling which makes my experience feel more treacherous. There's a LOT of rusty metal preventing curious adventurers from falling hundreds of feet.

I was high and it was windy and there would be video if I wasn't crapping myself because of those two facts.

I climbed to the highest point of this palace and as scared as I was at the beginning I was equally as proud to conquer my fear of this height.

Day 355

Love & Light

I planted my #365rockdays rock

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