Day 354 of 365
Just this once

It’s day 354 and I moved my grad student in to a new life in Scotland. In 1986 my mother was there when I moved in to my first college home away from home. For the next year she would drive for hours to bring me back to the country on the weekend. Those car rides and all of that time together meant so much to me. I don’t think I ever adjusted to being away from the simple life at home. Navigating the big city can be a tiny bit of a drag and that’s mostly because public transportation is limiting when it comes to schlepping personal items through busy streets. We flew to Scotland with four suitcases. Three were filled with necessities my kid would need to start a new life. I’ve never lived outside of America. This will be my kid’s second time making a home in Scotland.

The University had a great welcoming team and the space my kid will occupy is cute and very dorm like for a 23 year old. It’s amazing to be in the space that my kid will call home. This is a master’s in philosophy program and the first time ever checking one of my own children in to dorm living. I’m excited and sad because our time together will be over the internet instead of long car rides. Soon all of those "in person" hugs will have to wait. You better believe I’m getting them in while I can. Day 354 Love & Light I planted my #365rockdays rock