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Day 224 of 365

May day!

It's the first day of May and also a great day to sample some delicious treats.

On the 224th day of my adventures I decided to sample one of nature's most amazing sources of protein.


Here's how it played out. I've been sitting outside most of the afternoon. It was a gorgeous day and I watched these tiny little bugs creep across the ground.

Why eat one?

Why not!

I grabbed a tiny creeper crawling across the floor. It wriggled around in my hand. I really wanted to try it but wasn't quite sure I could.

How do you make an ant taste delicious?


Really delicious?

Dark Chocolate!

That little sucker went down easily. My cheering support team told me not to chew but I did anyway. No harm no foul.

As experiences go, ants will not become part of my new diet.

Day 224 was crunchy.

Love & Light

Nutrition of Ants.

Ants offer a high nutritional value. Scientist have proven that eating insects, such as ants offers great health benefits and should be encouraged.Ants are super rich in protein and minerals and they have way less cholesterol than pork or beef.

Nutrition of Ants | Ant

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