Day 214

You never know when your first time might also be the last. I had my first glass of Pinot Grigio for mom, but that’s not today’s real first.
On the 214th day I experienced the one and only thing I never wanted during these 365 days and thousands after.
If you’ve been following my journey you know that mom has been fighting. In the early morning of day 214 my mom found peace and her fight ended.
She was a force. On the last day of her life she fought with every breath to stay here.
She taught me how to be kind. She taught me how to find joy in the little things. We had so many adventures together and in the last months I got to know her without boundaries and pride.
If you never got a chance to meet MaryAnn Kennedy you missed an amazing human spirit. She made me want to be better and work harder.
If you knew her, you met a real living, walking, breathing angel. Her greatest gift was the ability to make you feel perfect as you are. She loved the idea of this 365 day adventure. She was one of the first people to write feedback and when she was awake in the hospital she would listen to me read my latest post. I already miss her words of encouragement.
On Tuesday April 17th mom said,"I love you" as I hugged her. That was the last time she spoke to me and the sound of those words continue to fill my heart. Being loved by her was a gift.

Today I held her for the last time, kissed her, felt the warmth of her skin against my hand and let her physical presence go.
Day 214
Love & Light