Day 188 of 365
Something's sour.

What's your favorite bread?
Have you made it yourself or do you buy it at the store?
Have you read the ingredients?
Believe it or not I have never made sourdough bread and on day 188 I started to do just that.
If you’ve been reading all of my posts so far you’ll know that I enjoy multiple day experiences but I am extremely impatient. This bread requires something called a starter which requires time and patience.
Back to my pantry, where I’m growing kombucha, broccoli sprouts and now festering sourdough bread starter. The thing is, my kitchen closet and the temperature inside are amazing at creating these fermented goodies.
The recipe: water, flour and time. As I type the goo is growing and in a few days I will spoon it into the dough ingredients and bake a lovely loaf of sourdough bread.
Day 188 was pasty and I hope it goes sour.
Love & Light