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Day 8 of 365

Let them eat Cheesecake

I had a couple of things planned for this day. One of them didn't happen yet so I'm saving it for another day when I know more. So far I've had great backups and on the eighth day my plan was to bake my first cheesecake.

I'll admit that I really don't like cheesecake which is why I've never made one. It'll work as a challenge but not really much of an adventure. The ingredients for this were pretty basic, cheese, chocolate, eggs and sugar. I had to do chocolate because there's no other reason to have sweets. Opinion not fact but I'm saying it.

The recipe came from the internet and I picked it because every requirement for chocolate was dark and remember that's how I roll! The recipe wasn't terribly complicated and I've made

thousands of cookies so I can follow directions when it comes to baking.

My first problem was not finding chocolate graham crackers so I mashed up regular and dumped cocoa powder in. I figured it would be about the same. I guess we will see. My second problem was not being able to find my round cake pan. This is why you will see parchment lining the glass pan and it's rectangle not round. Maybe I should have waited til I had the pan but everything was at room temperature ready to go. So you will see my amazing first cheesecake is not round. Once I made my decision to go ahead it all came together pretty easy. What you won't see in the pictures is the chocolate on my phone because the tripod fell over and made a bit of a mess. Nowhere in the instructions did it tell me how much this chocolate sucker was going to rise. If you look at the final pic you will see that my parchment actually kept it all inside the glass pan. In the end it all worked. I'm waiting for it to cool. The recipe reccomends overnight but it's chocolate and remember that's how I roll!

Day eight is mostly successful.

Love & Light

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