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Day 1 of 365

September 20, 2017

Day one seemed like a perfect opportunity to crack open a bottle of something I’ve never sipped and start my 365 day journey with a BANG! The problem is, that’s not the real me. I love to celebrate but I’m not turning 21. My life isn’t about losing myself in the buzz of intoxication, it’s about finding myself in the experiences around me. So, to set the tone for the next year I decided to read a book that everyone has been telling me to read. In fact I’ve had the book for over a month without understanding why I put off reading it. I suppose it was the universe sending a message to my subconscious self. I’m glad I was listening even if I didn’t know I was.

As I opened the book this morning everything became clear. This was the perfect choice for day one. This “New York Times Bestseller” is spirit altering and every person who said the title to me is a perfect friend to my soul. It was as though the million piece puzzle I’ve been fitting together my whole adult life, finally came to perfect fruition.

The beautiful poetic gem, “Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur” is the swirling breeze keeping my parachute high in the sky. If you haven’t read it yet you should. Kaur opens her very soul in this brilliantly choreographed collection of poetry. She shares her darkness and her light and the long journey between the two. I know that I’m late to this show but I’m changed. I’m enlightened and I’m also aware of the bravery it takes to tell your truth with words and pictures.

Happy day 1. I hope you’ll return for day 2.

Love & Light

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